Times have been hard recently with the coronavirus situation. Even a simple shop has become a challenge as the day to day items have become luxuries.

Even here at the park changes have had to be made. However, it is nice that our thoughts can take us far away from these struggles and I believe I may have found a lovely little place to take you today.

Up at Little Himalayas, the newer end of the park, live our two moon bears Mika and Arroon. If you have visited us recently you may have noticed that only Arroon is on show and this is for a very good reason. Facebook followers of ours will already know our wonderful news. Little Himalayas is not only home to two Moon bears now but three!

Over the moon with our new moon bear cub

On 29th January Mika and Arroon became the proud parents of a lovely little cub and Mika has shown herself to be an excellent mum.

Moon Bear cub at Wingham Wildlife Park
Bear hugs

In this picture the baby bear’s head looks barely bigger than its mother’s nose. What it lacked in size however, it made up for in volume as it soon told mum when it wanted something.

Asiatic black bear cub at Wingham Wildlife Park, Kent

18th February and it is starting to look like a proper little bear under the watchful eye of its doting mum.

Moon bear cub at Wingham Wildlife Park, Kent

It is this photo however that really shows a baby moon bear with a white crescent clearly marked on its chest.

Moon bear (Asiatic Black bear) cub at Wingham Wildlife Park, Kent
How relaxed our new addition looks here is testament to Mika’s ability as a mother.

Just over 7 weeks later it has grown fast and it is now in the stage where it is attempting to stand and walk so it’s only a matter of time before it’s giving mum a run for her money.

Moon bear cub at Wingham Wildlife Park, Kent

Whilst Mika has the important task of looking after her baby, Arroon is taking a more paws off approach but who can blame him its tiring work being a bear. It takes effort just getting out of bed.

Moon bear at Wingham Wildlife Park, Kent

World Bear Day is on 23rd March which is a celebration of all species of bear and we are delighted to introduce our own family of bears here at WWP today.

About Sarah - Head of Carnivores

When our previous head of carnivores moved on to another job, Sarah stepped up from her position as senior keeper in this section to take charge of the section as a whole. Her love for cats doesn't stop at work as she's also a cat owner at home.