Summer’s here at Wingham Wildlife Park, and while we love the sunshine, keeping our animals cool is a top priority. You might be wondering how we ensure their comfort during these hot times. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the various strategies and techniques we use to keep our animals cool and happy during the hot…

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Emergency recall is one behaviour which I’ve been so excited to start. It is a challenging behaviour but so rewarding to see when it begins to take shape.  What is an emergency recall? An emergency recall is much stricter than the normal recall. It is necessary that we do this for the animals to get…

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If you’ve been to the park recently, you may have noticed that our lemur walk through enclosure has undergone a major renovation! A new route through the enclosure has been made and more exciting trees, branches and climbing equipment installed. It opened this week and we have some wonderful new residents waiting to greet you!…

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This week we celebrated International Ungulate Awareness Day so I thought this would be a good opportunity to raise their profile and introduce you to the Ungulate species we have at Wingham. I’ve also asked the Mammal keepers to try describe each animals personalities, so lets see if it matches up to their star signs!…

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