There are plenty of ways in which you are able to recycle a mobile phone, whether it be sorting it properly when taking it to your local recycling centre, sending it off to a recycling company or bringing it to us at Wingham Wildlife Park where we are able to exchange old mobile phones for…

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Pickle, the gibbon, is one of the biggest characters at the park and is one of the animals which our regular visitors will look out for and ask the keepers how she is and what she’s been up to.  Recently Pickle has moved enclosures to be right next to her family to allow us to start the process…

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I recently returned from the United States where I participated in a court hearing about the chimpanzee export from the Yerkes National Primate Research Center to the Wingham Wildlife Park (WWP). This post focuses on that hearing and next steps, inaccuracies some are saying and reporting about the chimpanzee donation and our park, and more…

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Today is Endangered Species Day, a chance to raise awareness and educate about the plight of many of the world’s species that are at risk of extinction. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is responsible for the classification of species and their status, the most at risk being on the IUCN RedList….

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