As an animal lover you probably already know about the unique black and white Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), it has captured the hearts of many worldwide, but what about an equally adorable and closely named species the Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)? The better known Giant Panda gets a lot of media attention and is the…

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Macaque Madness!!! So here at Wingham Wildlife Park we just celebrated International Macaque week (5th-11th May). This is an annual event to raise awareness about a much neglected group of primates. Not only do we celebrate this event to highlight the diverse range of species of macaques, but also what threats they face in the…

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You may have heard zoos talking about enrichment for their animals but what does it mean? Enrichment is providing animals with different things to improve their environment based around their natural instincts and behaviours. As zoo keepers we want to stimulate the animals to get them to think about and enjoy their environment. We want…

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Peppa Pig? Pumba the warthog? Babe the sheep pig? No, its Maximus and Achilles our Visayan Warty Pigs ​(Sus cebifrons). ​On the mammals section we can boast having two of these magnificent creatures and they aren’t just any old porkers, they are an extremely rare species of warty pig with rock-star hair. Critically Endangered Pigs?…

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