No, I’m not talking about putting lizards into pancakes or making lizard shaped pancakes. Today I’m going to introduce you to our lizards that can ‘pancake’ – Beardies! The Central Bearded Dragon The Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps), also known as the Inland Bearded Dragon, is a lizard that is native to Australia. There are…

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Roses? Chocolates? Mini break? Whatever floats your boat for the most romantic day of the year. I hope February 14th brings you love and happy thoughts from your nearest and dearest. However, if you are one of the cynical types that don’t partake in the “commercial nonsense” of St Valentine’s Day, hopefully you’ll still enjoy…

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Australia Day 

In celebration of Australia Day, which is held on 26th January to celebrate the establishment of the first permanent European settlement on the continent of Australia, I have decided to dedicate this blog to this stunning place.  If any of you have ever been lucky enough to travel to Australia, you will know from first-hand…

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It’s that time of year again where we talk everything Penguin! We can appreciate Penguins every day of course, they are awesome after all, but Penguin Awareness Day is all about raising awareness of the plight of these birds in the wild. Penguins are such a celebrated species already, with many people falling in love…

in Keepers Blog   , , , , , , , , , 0

January 12th is ‘Kiss a Ginger Day’ put in place to show appreciation to those with naturally red hair, which only accounts for around 2% of the world’s population. I thought I would latch onto this unofficial holiday for some of the natural redheads here at the park. All of which are likely to be…

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I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas 2022. We sure did at the zoo, giving out pressies to our animals and having a keeper Christmas feast in the morning. I’d like to go over some of the highlights and achievements of this year and have ended with a lovely collage of pics for you…

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Maras Have Arrived

It’s always exciting when you’ve got new animal arriving at the park. Recently, we welcomed a group of 12 Patagonian Maras! I’ve previously never worked with Mara so it’s a first for me, as a zookeeper. I’ve always found myself going to other zoos and learning about the different animals they have. Or, in my…

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With Christmas just around the corner (how did that happen?), we’re all probably thinking about what presents we still need to buy for our loved ones. Or, what food needs to be bought and what we could buy for our pets at home? Unless you’re one of those people who are already prepared by September…

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