
Budgerigar Natural History


These colourful birds weigh only 30- 40 g and grow to about 18 cm in length.

Habitat and Distribution

This species is native to Australia and prefers open habitats such as scrublands, grasslands and sparse forests.


They have a lifespan of between 5-8 years.


They mostly feed on seeds. However, they will also eat flowers, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and other plant parts.

Groups and Breeding

These birds mate and nest in cavities such as tree holes, fence posts, logs or gum trees. They generally lay 4-6 eggs in their clutches which are then incubated for 18-21 days. Chicks are bald and completely dependent on their parents. They grow fluffy grey feathers before fledging into their true colours.

They are incredibly sociable birds and can be very noisy when they for flocks of up to 25000 individuals.


Budgerigars appear to have very stable numbers in the wild and are quite adaptable to a range of habitats. Therefore, they are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN.

Interesting Facts

Budgerigars, or budgies as they are commonly known in domestic circles, are known for their vast range of plumage colours. However, all of these have been selectively bred for the pet market. A wild budgie only comes as a green bird with yellow head, yellow and black wings and a blue/ green tail.

The Budgerigars During Your Day Out in Kent

We welcomed many Budgerigars in 2022 and our colourful flock can be seen opposite the Mandrills and gibbons in the old Goeldi’s monkeys enclosure.

The more you know…

Brilliant Budgies

Mother’s Day