Whilst everyone was experiencing the start of the heatwave here in Kent this summer, I was travelling to the Orkney Islands in Scotland. When you look through my photos in this blog, you’ll notice that I was in full waterproofs and down jacket. It pretty much just rained and blew a hooley the whole time…

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Our Valentines

It’s Valentines and the week of love! What better way is there to celebrate everything romantic than to look at some of our favorite couples at the park? Mammals You can’t speak about Matt without mentioning his greatest loves, Nando and Kathleen. Our loved-up pair of Lowland Tapirs. Even though Nando has now been castrated…

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So last time we talked about carnivore teeth but they don’t make up the whole section. We also have a few omnivores. So while omnivores need some carnivore teeth to eat meat they also need a few different ones for eating other stuff. Moon Bears The main example I have to bring up is of…

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Teeth are essential for many different animals and for more reasons than you may realise. The most obvious is of course for eating. The type of teeth an animal has depends on what it eats so we can tell whether they are a carnivore (meat eater), herbivore (plant eater) or omnivore (eats plant and meat)…

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If you have been following the keeper blogs, then I hope you will  remember that we have had a very baby focused year here on the carnivore section at Wingham, with baby otters and baby binturongs (if you missed our earlier baby blogs you can still find out about our little ones early stages by…

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