In this weeks blog I’ll be informing you all about our Northern Luzon Giant Cloud Rat Phloeomys pallidus, not a common species within animal collections (we are 1 of only 4 collections in the UK to have them). They are also known as the ‘Cloudrunner’ as they mainly live high up in the canopy of trees, which is…

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With record breaking temperatures last week some of you may be wondering how we help to keep our animals comfortable during the summer. Well, keeping cool can be a lot of fun and our keepers use a variety of methods to make sure our animals don’t get hot and bothered. With animals native to locations…

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So this week I’ll be talking about my favourite group of primates, Gibbons. Not only are they a striking animal to look at but they are also unique amongst other primate groups in their genealogy, social structure and behaviour. All these aspects added together make them my favourite primates to have the privilege of working…

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My blog this week is in celebration of World Chimpanzee Day which is on the 14th July (this also happens to be Fritz’s birthday so it’s a double celebration). So why is World Chimpanzee Day held on this date? The 14th July, 1960 is the date a young woman called Jane Goodall first stepped foot…

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In this weeks blog it gives me great pleasure to talk to you about the colony of Egyptian Fruitbats (Rousettus aegyptiacus)  here at the park and compare them to the ones we might find in our own back gardens. For me bats are such an underrated species but are so important to have in the…

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What is your favourite bird? I’ve found that I’m especially drawn to birds with blue colouration such as Kingfishers, Hyacinth Macaws and even the Kestrel with the subtle blue head and tail of the males. But I’ve learned that everyone admires birds differently, most because of their gorgeous colours, but often because of some species’…

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Get ready for rainbow flags and parades! June is pride month. So what is pride month? For the month of June people celebrate the history and differences of LGBTQ+ people. Whilst people are waving their rainbow flags in support of the LGBTQ community, little do people know that there are homosexual occurrences found throughout nature!…

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The last few weeks, whether you are a fan or not, it seems no one could escape Game of Thrones. I for one am a fan, but I wanted to wait until the dust had settled following the finale, before writing about this and the timing could not have worked out more perfectly in hindsight….

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Happy World Oceans Day! Today is a day to honour and celebrate our incredible oceans. Oceans are teeming with life from microscopic algae to the largest animal to ever live- the blue whale. Not to mention an array of wonderful habitats and resources (including renewable energy sources) and there is still so much to discover…

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