Quill, Quill, Quill!

This week my blog to you will be about some of the spikier members we have on the Mammal section. If you hadn’t already guessed, it will be about our three African Crested Porcupines, Hystrix cristata. In the last few years we’ve successfully bred from them and some of you may have been fortunate enough…

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My blog this week is in celebration of International Primate Day which is on 1st September. This is an annual event which began in 2005 and celebrated by zoos and charities worldwide. Its purpose is to highlight the wide and diverse group of primates, covering all species from great apes to lesser apes, marmosets to…

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Hi! For those that don’t yet know me, my name is Ellie Gilbey, junior journalist for Wingham Wildlife park and this is my first blog of a series of experiences at Wingham. Right from my entrance to the park, I found a variety of different species that instantly grabbed my attention as I was pleasantly…

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If you have been following the keeper blogs, then I hope you will  remember that we have had a very baby focused year here on the carnivore section at Wingham, with baby otters and baby binturongs (if you missed our earlier baby blogs you can still find out about our little ones early stages by…

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