So last time we talked about carnivore teeth but they don’t make up the whole section. We also have a few omnivores. So while omnivores need some carnivore teeth to eat meat they also need a few different ones for eating other stuff. Moon Bears The main example I have to bring up is of…

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Hey everyone! For my blog, this week I am going to talk about a very special group of monkeys, the Leaf eating Monkeys. They live in a subfamily group called Colobinae and are typically found throughout Africa and Asia and are long-tailed, tree dwelling monkeys that depend almost entirely on leaves as the main part…

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Penguin Moult – the scruffy phase. Moulting King Penguins at Volunteer Point, the Falklands. Photo credit: John Buckingham Back to team bird for the keeper blog this week, and this time I’ll be covering penguin moult… because you just can’t have too many blogs about Penguins right? When you first see a moulting penguin, it…

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Times have been hard recently with the coronavirus situation. Even a simple shop has become a challenge as the day to day items have become luxuries. Even here at the park changes have had to be made. However, it is nice that our thoughts can take us far away from these struggles and I believe…

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