And no, I’m not talking about the supermarket. Iceland is home to a population of around 370,00 people. Most of whom live in the capital city of Reykjavík which is located on the southern left-hand side of this beautiful volcanic island. If you haven’t been to Iceland before, it should most certainly be on everyone’s…

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I’m going to let you in on a little secret. What if I told you that there was something you can do to your garden, flowerpots and baskets that could directly help wildlife? Instantly! What if I told you that it involves doing nothing? That’s right, nothing. It involves sitting back putting your feet up…

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28th April is National Superhero Day and what makes a good superhero? Well, super powers of course! While we consider all the superpowers we could possibly have, many animals already have some. Ok, so I’m not talking X-ray eyes or laser beams but they’re still pretty amazing. Naturally, I’ve got to look at my own…

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Last weekend we celebrated World Sparrow Day! A time to reflect on the decline of our humble sparrows. Why do I say spectacular? I think Sparrows are really underappreciated! Yes, at first some species may look like just another drab looking small brown bird, but when you look at them closely they really are subtly…

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Have you ever looked at an animal and become very jealous of how flexible they are? As an aerialist I often find myself looking at the orangutans in awe as they effortlessly do a perfect split followed by an over split. All whilst being about 10 feet high up in the enclosure! Aerial Silks Aerial…

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Hello friends, I hope you are surviving January! Its nearly over, we got this! I have an update for you on some of the training that’s going on in the park. (If you want to check out my progress from previous blogs you can find them here). Orangutans A few updates on the orangs! They…

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