Ava Riley, age 9 Hi – I’m Ava, and this is my little sister BeaBea. Welcome to my first article for Wingham Wildlife Park! I was really excited for my first trip as a junior journalist, and I hope you enjoy my article just as much as I enjoyed my time at the Wildlife Park….

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I’m always up for talking about giraffe training, it is my favourite part of the day. Our beautiful brothers have been loving their training sessions and making huge progress. There are a few behaviours that we have been fine-tuning and I’d like to show off their skills. We train the giraffes nearly every day, and…

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We have been very busy training new behaviours including crate training with many species recently and I wanted to update you on what the animals have been learning. Macaws So, I’ve been making friends with the macaws and teaching them to follow the target. They’ve picked it up nicely and allowed me to move onto…

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This blog is going to focus on training for blood draws. This is being undergone on several species at the park and hopeful many more in the future. Why do we need to take blood? Blood samples can give an insight into the health of the animal. They can be taken from a healthy animal…

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28th April is National Superhero Day and what makes a good superhero? Well, super powers of course! While we consider all the superpowers we could possibly have, many animals already have some. Ok, so I’m not talking X-ray eyes or laser beams but they’re still pretty amazing. Naturally, I’ve got to look at my own…

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Hello friends, I hope you are surviving January! Its nearly over, we got this! I have an update for you on some of the training that’s going on in the park. (If you want to check out my progress from previous blogs you can find them here). Orangutans A few updates on the orangs! They…

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I present to you today a selection of gorgeous photos of my colleagues and I posing as some of our animals in a photoshoot I’ve been working on for a few weeks. George did a fantastic job as Molly, she also took very little persuading to take part, 10/10. Did you know? Orangutans are semi-solitary…

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