Charles Darwin Day

I’m celebrating Charles Darwin Day in this blog, which happens to be the 12th of February- Charles Darwin’s birthday (12th February 1809). The day, the godfather of evolution was born is definitely a day to reflect on what he taught us about ourselves and the natural world. The Theory of Evolution Darwin’s book, “The Origin…

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My blog this week is focusing on Lemurs in celebration of World Lemur Day which is the last Friday in October every year, this year it falls on the 25th. When visitors see our Ring-tailed lemurs for the first time we tend to hear them say “look at the monkeys”. But lemurs are not monkeys…

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My blog this week is in celebration of World Chimpanzee Day which is on the 14th July (this also happens to be Fritz’s birthday so it’s a double celebration). So why is World Chimpanzee Day held on this date? The 14th July, 1960 is the date a young woman called Jane Goodall first stepped foot…

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You may have heard zoos talking about enrichment for their animals but what does it mean? Enrichment is providing animals with different things to improve their environment based around their natural instincts and behaviours. As zoo keepers we want to stimulate the animals to get them to think about and enjoy their environment. We want…

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