The last few weeks, whether you are a fan or not, it seems no one could escape Game of Thrones. I for one am a fan, but I wanted to wait until the dust had settled following the finale, before writing about this and the timing could not have worked out more perfectly in hindsight….

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Happy World Oceans Day! Today is a day to honour and celebrate our incredible oceans. Oceans are teeming with life from microscopic algae to the largest animal to ever live- the blue whale. Not to mention an array of wonderful habitats and resources (including renewable energy sources) and there is still so much to discover…

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Macaque Madness!!! So here at Wingham Wildlife Park we just celebrated International Macaque week (5th-11th May). This is an annual event to raise awareness about a much neglected group of primates. Not only do we celebrate this event to highlight the diverse range of species of macaques, but also what threats they face in the…

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We are very lucky on the carnivore section here at Wingham to be able to work with most of the main representatives of the Carnivore group. From cats to wolves, bears and some of the smaller, or lesser known species such as binturongs and otters. My love has always been large carnivores, especially the big…

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At the end of February a news article about a caracal sighting in Abu Dhabi caught my eye. In the title it said that it was the first sighting in 35 years, so I had to take a look and find out more! The Environment Agency in Abu Dhabi have a network of 45 remote camera traps…

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The 19th of January 2019 was a very special day for Wingham Wildlife Park, as it marked the day Elizabeth, our baby chimpanzee, celebrated her first birthday. To commemorate the occasion, I’ve put together this blog to share with you what happens during the first year of a baby chimpanzee’s life, and all the milestones…

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