Let me introduce myself: My name is Lewis Simon Cannon and I’m this years junior journalist (aged 8).

I came to Wingham Wildlife Park on February 15th and met Leanne for the first time, she was very nice and friendly. 

It was a wet and windy morning.  I begun my visit looking at the wolves. They were resting today on their platforms.  Last week when I visited, I heard the wolves howling for the first time, it was amazing. 

The Barbary Macaques were eating their food and started pulling funny faces at us when we went up to say hello to them. I think they thought that we were going to pinch their dinner.

Next along I saw the Otters they were swimming and being very playful. I love the noises they make.

The pelicans were in their hut out of the wind. One kept stretching its beak wide open, yawning. I tried to get a photo but by the time I got my camera out it had stopped  yawning. It’s beak is huge!

Next animal I saw was the Common Cusimanse, it was so so sweet. It was looking for food in the straw and keeping inside in the warm.

A boy was inside the Meerkats enclosure, doing an experience with a keeper. I took a photo of a Meerkat standing on its hind legs and holding on to the keepers coat. And another Meerkat had crawled onto the boys lap. I’d definitely love to do that experience one day!

There were lots of new cool things in the Meerkat enclosure for the Meerkats to explore.  There was a new hide made out of tree bark and a box filled up with colourful ping pong balls, just like a ball pool for the Meerkats.

I then went into the indoor bird enclosure. The bird tables were filled with Lorakeets feeding and we looked up and saw 2 Lorakeets mating! So hopefully we’ll see some babies soon!

Then I wanted to visit the bug garden. I really like insects and bugs, Scorpions are my favourite! At the end of January I took part in the Great big garden bird watch and enjoyed looking out for all the birds coming into my garden.  Inside the bug garden at Wingham I noticed bird boxes and bird feeders to help the birds, which was nice to see. They had ladybird towers to help ladybird hibernate in the colder months and other bug homes and shelters to help the wildlife.

It began to rain a little heavier,  the tiger sat on his platform, looking out, not impressed with the wet weather and his brother got up and went inside his bedroom. 

Near to the ride on racing cards and diggers is a new enclosure being built.  I wonder what new  animal will be in there!? 

Some animals were enjoying the wet weather though!  I saw two ducks drinking and paddling around in a muddy puddle in the Tapir enclosure, while the Tapirs were hiding underneath their shelters away from the rain.

The Giraffes were indoors in the warm and so were the Orangutans. One Orangutan had a pile of straw on its head,   it was very funny!

I like standing on the upper level outside the Giraffes and Orangutans enclosure and seeing the view of the dinosaurs and park from up there. I was sad to see the old park area gone. But me and my brother really do enjoy the new play area.

The Giant Tortoises were inside, sunning themselves under their UV lights to keep themselves warm. 

And the Lemurs were inside too, all cuddled and snuggled together with their tails wrapped round each other and they were looking out of the window at their new hammock. 

The rain started getting heavy so mum took me and my brother into the indoor soft play. We stayed there for quite a while having lots of fun. 

I cannot wait for my next visit to Wingham Wildlife Park!

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