Yellow-margined Box Turtle Natural History
The Yellow-margined Box Turtle can grow to between 10-16cm long, and weighs between 400-750g.
Habitat and Distribution
This terrestrial turtle inhabits freshwater environments with vegetated areas. They can often be found near bodies of water or areas which experience heavy rainfall, including marshes, grasslands, or woodlands.
The lifespan of a Yellow-margined Box Turtle in the wild is between 25-35 years old but can live up to 100 years old in captivity.
They are opportunistic omnivores and will eat almost anything. They like to eat a variety of plants, insects, fish, small amphibians, eggs and can even eat carrion.
Groups and Breeding
Female Yellow-margined Box Turtles can lay between 3-4 clutches a year and each clutch can consist of 1-4 eggs. The hatchlings are self-sufficient from birth. The offspring sex is temperature dependent whereby the eggs at the bottom of the nest (where it is cooler) are more likely to be male and the eggs near the top of the nest (where it is warmer) are more likely to be female.
These turtles’ eggs are frequently predated on by several snake, and bird species. Adults are often hunted for their meat and used in traditional medicine. They are also under threat from habitat loss. The IUCN Red List classes this species as Endangered.
Interesting facts
Like many other turtle species, the Yellow-margined Box Turtle hibernates during the winter months and they will emerge around April where they will then start to look for a mate.
The Yellow-margined Box Turtles During Your Day Out in Kent
The Yellow-margined Box Turtles can be found in our new Reptile House along with many of species, including amphibians, snakes, crocodilians, and lizards.