White-faced Whistling Duck

a duck stands behind a log in the grass

White-faced Whistling Duck Natural History


They can reach a height of up to 40cm and they can weigh up to 900g.

Habitat and Distribution

These birds can be found in freshwater marshes and lakes in sub-Saharan Africa, much of South America and parts of the Caribbean and central America.


The average lifespan of these birds is between 10-15 years.


The White-faced Whistling Ducks typically feed on grass, seeds and aquatic molluscs.

Groups and Breeding

Their breeding season begins at the start of the rainy season. A clutch of eggs can have up to 13 eggs in and they have within a month. Once the breeding period has ended, the adults undergo a brief flightless moult period. The chicks leave the nest and fledge 8 weeks after hatching.


Some threats these ducks face include avian disease, hunting and habitat loss. The IUCN Red List classes the White-faced Whistling Ducks as Least Concern.

Interesting Facts

As their name implies, they have a high-pitched whistle for a call. These ducks also perch on branches in trees and are also known as Tree Ducks.

The White-faced Whistling Ducks During Your Day Out in Kent

Our White-faced Whistling Ducks can be found opposite the diggers near the play area. They are housed next to our Ringed Teals, Red Handed Tamarins and Common Marmosets.

The more you know…

Bird Couples