Khaki Campbell Duck Natural History
They weigh 4 to five pounds.
Habitat and Distribution
This is a domestic breed and so does not occur in the wild.
They will eat a variety of vegetation including peas, wheat, rice and grass.
Groups and Breeding
A mother will incubate here eggs for 23-28 days and take approximately 7 months to reach maturity.
This is a British breed of domestic duck which has a healthy population.
Interesting Facts
This breed was developed in Uley, Gloucester at the start of the 20th Century by Mrs Adele Campbell by mating Indian Runners, Rouens and Mallards to produce these prolific layers.
The Khaki Campbell Duck During Your Day Out in Kent
We have two of these ducks at WWP named Wilbur and Orville and they can be seen on the lake alongside White Storks, African Geese and Mandarin Ducks.