The African Giant Train Millipede Natural History
These giant millipedes can grow up to 33.5cm.
Habitat and Distribution
They inhabit forested areas of tropical and sub-tropical western Africa.
The African Giant Train Millipede will feed on a range of fruits, vegetables and rotting leaves.
Groups and Breeding
A female will lay her eggs in the substrate and will not guard the nest. Hundreds of young will emerge after three months.
This species faces few threats in the wild. However, as land is developed and mined, the decaying forest food source on which it feeds becomes less abundant.
Interesting facts
An adult giant millipede has approximately 256 legs. However this number can vary slightly between individuals and on how many times they have moulted.
The African Giant Train Millipede During Your Day Out in Kent
The African Giant Train Millipedes at can be found in our Bug Garden. This area is home to a wide variety of invertebrates including many species of tarantulas, cockroaches, and white-clawed crayfish.